March 31, 2008

I dreamed about Debra last night

And just plain woke up sad.
Watched the video again and cried.

And then I scanned this Polaroid of her from our time photographing Christie Hefner in Chicago at the Playboy offices.
Isn't she cute in those bunny slippers?

Later when the photo shoot was over and we'd had dinner and wandered around a very freezing Chicago downtown—we were accosted by a man with a horse and carriage who implored us to be his last fare of the evening at a discounted price. Debra, being a sucker for anyone's plea for help said, "oh let's go!"
My god what a terrible ride that was, somehow the smell from the horse's diaper was pumped directly into the plastic covered cab we were sitting in—we choked, gasped and laughed all the way through a too cold, too smelly and thankfully too-short ride.
But such is the charm of Debra's company and her enthusiasm for every experience, that I look back on that so fondly ...and with tears in my eyes.

Debra, I miss you so much.


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